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Comparing Parallel Passage


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Is there anyone to help me?


I will like to compare the temptation of Jesus narrative in the synoptic gospels [Matt 4:11-11; Mark 1:12-13; Luke 4:1-13]. What I will like to do is to analyze how the synoptic are similar and different in this narrative (lexically and grammatically) . I know this is a silly question, but I forgot how to do it.


Thank you




Rest assured, it's a very interesting (not silly) question!


If you want to automate the generation of lexical and grammatical information for manual comparison, you could simply search for the three texts in the GNT-T (one by one, or all three at once) select all the words, then select Amplify > Language > Parsing (or the Parsing button on the Resource Palette if you have it open). Print it out and study!


There is no way I can think of to completely automate the comparison of all three. You can somewhat automate the comparison of two, so I'd focus on the longer Matthean and Lukan pericopes, and try this sequence:


1. In GNT-T, in Words search mode, using the Search > Enter Command menu items or their keyboard shortcuts, enter:

* <AND> [RANGE Luke 4:1-13]

This step selects all the words in the pericope.

2. Duplicate this tab/window, and enter, again using the Search > Enter Command menu items or their keyboard shortcuts, something like:

[NOUN] @ [HITS GNT-T] <AND> [RANGE Matt 4:1-11]

(note that the name of the tab/window given as "GNT-T" in step 2 may be different if it's not the first GNT-T open)


This search will take all the words from the first GNT-T window (Luke, in my example) and find all the nouns that are also in the current range of Matthew (important: this is not a verse-by-verse comparison, but pericope-wide comparison). You could substitute whatever part of speech you want for [NOUN] and compare them that way. You could leave the [NOUN] @ out, but then the results are much less easy to analyze, since it will compare all words in both passages.


You can modify the above steps in various ways. You can reverse the order of the two texts, so that Matthew is the base text. You can add =i after HITS to compare inflected forms (search the Help for "hits" for more explanations).


In the end, a lot of manual work is still involved! I think this is probably the best one can do until the day if/when the functionality of Compare Texts can be applied to different pericopes within the same corpus. Hope that helps!


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