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Greek Tags

John L Rutherford

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I am trying out the Greek tags in GNT-T and I have entered

egw@ [PRONOUN personal first singular nominative]

using the ENTER TAG > PRONOUN option


I get 423 hits which include kagw


To get rid of kagw I have entered

egw@ [PRONOUN personal first singular nominative] <NOT> kai


but now I have only 140 hits and many verses containing egw such as Matt 3:11 and Matt 3:14 do not appear.


I am obviously doing something wrong, I have just started to learn NT Greek. How do I find all the instances of egw without kagw?


There are probably several ways to do this. The one that comes to mind is to modify your search terms after your <NOT> statement to all four inflected forms of kago. I have pasted a screeshot as an example. I thought I read somewhere of an easier way to do this, but I can't remember where. HTH.


John, the problem with just using "<NOT> kai" is that it excludes every occurrence of egw which appears anywhere within the same verse as kai. The following will exclude only those occurrences of egw which are not preceded within one word by kai.


egw@ [PRONOUN personal first singular nom] <NOT> <PRECEDED BY> <WITHIN 1 Words> kai


Of course, the problem with this is that it also excludes 3 instances where the phrase "kai egw" occurs without crasis (i.e.: without being contracted into "kagw").


Fortunately, there is a special "crasis" tag that you can use to find (or exclude) instances of crasis. The following search will do exactly what you want:


egw@ [PRONOUN personal first singular nom] @-"crasis"


Hope this helps.


Yes, David, crasis! That is what I couldn't remember. Six hits were excluded with my search string that get included using the -"crasis" command.


Thanks Guys!


I managed to work out, eventually, that <NOT><WITHIN 1 WORDS> "kai" would work, but I hadn't figured out "crasis"!


That's one for future reference!


Thanks again


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